Episode Transcript
[00:00:07] Speaker A: You gotta be bold. This story gotta be told Own your fierceness that's gon and glow this the Sonja Empowers Show. Stay on go like a lion who on the prowl Sonja Sells help you get it. We doing it and doing it now.
[00:00:25] Speaker B: Hey Empowered Disruptors welcome back to the Sonja Empowers Show where I ignite your online business and help you own your fierceness, embrace your unique beauty, talents and strengths, rise above fear and step into your destiny as you build empires and shatter expectations together.
Today we're tackling a common struggle for entrepreneurs. That noisy brain that just won't shut up. You know the feeling. You're trying to focus on a crucial task, but your mind is in a whirlwind of to do list worries and distractions. Well, I'm here to tell you that you don't have to succumb to the chaos. Today we're exploring some quick and easy techniques to quiet your mind and regain your focus at work.
Why Our Brains Are so Noisy before we dive into the solutions, let's talk about why our brains get so noisy in the first place. For starters, stress. The constant pressure of running a business, meeting deadlines and chasing goals can significantly increase stress levels. This stress manifests as racing thoughts, anxiety and difficulty concentrating. Can anyone relate Information Overload in today's digital age, we're constantly bombarded with information, social media, emails, news. It's a constant stream of input that can overwhelm our brains.
Lack of Breaks when we push ourselves without breaks, our minds naturally start to wander, we become fatigued and our ability to focus diminishes.
Poor self care Neglecting basic needs like sleep, nutrition and exercise can significantly impact our mental clarity and focus.
Consequences of a Noisy Brain A noisy brain can impact various aspects of life. Here are some of the Reduced focus and concentration.
This includes difficulty completing tasks, frequent distractions, inability to sustain attention, poor memory and recall, increased stress and anxiety. This includes racing thoughts, constant worrying, difficulty, relaxing sleep disturbances, irritability and frustration Poor decision making.
This includes difficulty analyzing situations, impulsive choices, increased risk taken, decreased productivity.
This includes lowered work output, missed deadlines, procrastination and also difficulty prioritizing tasks.
Impaired relationships. This includes difficulty communicating effectively, increased conflict, social withdrawal and reduced empathy and compassion, y'all. Wow.
And lastly, physical health issues. This includes headaches, I mean even like migraines, digestive problems, weakened immune systems, increased risk of chronic diseases like wow. This was such an eye opener when I was researching and I know that I have experienced some of these in all transparency and that is why I am really working on self care and prioritizing. Sonja Right, because some of these issues, a lot of them can be fixed. But I have to put this disclaimer this information is for general knowledge and informational purposes only and it does not constitute medical advice. If you feel like you need medical advice, make sure that you seek the proper health professionals. It's important to note that if you're experiencing significant difficulties with a noisy brain, like to the point where it's debilitating, it's crucial, like non negotiable, to consult with a mental health professional or your doctor. They can help you identify the underlying causes and develop effective coping strategies.
Action steps to quiet your brain now let's get to the good stuff, right? Like let's just take a moment. Seriously, let's take a moment and just kind of shake our arms, you know, move our body, kind of get some of that icky stuff off that we just heard, okay? And let's shift our brains so where we can talk about a few simple yet effective techniques to quiet your brain and regain your focus at work.
So let's start with number one. Breathe and meditate.
Even a few minutes of deep breathing can do wonders. Close your eyes, take slow, deep breaths and try to focus on your breath.
You can also try a short guided meditation and I use these a lot. There are plenty like free apps out there that you can download. There's plenty of videos on YouTube that you can follow. And I'm telling you, just five minutes of uninterrupted time to just breathe and meditate can totally re energize you.
2. Stretch and move. Get up and move around. A quick walk, some stretches or even a few jumping jacks can help to improve blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, boosting your focus. 3. Create a checklist.
Feeling overwhelmed by a large project? Break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. I mentioned this on a previous episode. Creating a checklist can help to reduce anxiety and provide a sense of direction. 4. Hydrate and nourish.
Dehydration and low blood sugar can impact your focus and mood. Keep a water bottle nearby and have healthy snacks readily available. And I am trying my best to accomplish this in 2025 and I am proud of myself that I have increased my water intake and I'm still I haven't still reached my goal, but every day I'm challenging myself to drink more water until I'm at my water goal, which my app tells me 93 ounces.
So we're getting there.
5. Connect with nature. Even a few minutes spent Outdoors can do wonders for your mental clarity. Step outside for a quick walk or simply gaze out the window at some greenery. Greenery.
I live in Texas, so we don't have the. Where I live at, we don't have the beautiful scene of snow during the winter months. For the most part, it's a rare treat. But, but you know, we still have parks and we have like, nature trails and we just have so many beautiful outdoor scenes, you know, just to become one with nature. And it sounds cheesy, but I'm telling you, just going to a local park, you know, walking a nature trail, it will do you so some, some justice. I mean, it'll do your soul some good.
But also, I like to imagine if I did live in a state that had like, lots of snow and just the types of activities that I could do during this time of the year. And I'm like, oh, that must be nice. But at least I can imagine it. Okay?
Remember these techniques, they don't require a lot of time or effort. Even small breaks throughout the day can make a big difference. Okay? So I hope these tips help you quiet your brain and boost your productivity. Remember, self care is not selfish. Taking care of your mental well being is crucial for your success as an entrepreneur.
All right, so you already know what time it is. That's right. It is time for your fab assignment, your fierce action breakthrough assignment. And this episode assignment is tame the mental chatter. The goal is to significantly reduce mental distractions and improve focus within the next seven days. So let's jump right into the action. Okay. 1. Mindful movement. Action. Engage in 10 minutes of mindful movement. For example, stretching, light exercise, or even walking every morning before starting work. Okay. If it is too cold out there, too nippy for you, you can always, you know, pull up a YouTube video. There are plenty of walking videos out there for free. You can also, you know, download possibly some type of walking app. But there is no excuse. The frequency is daily for 7 days.
Measurement. Track daily movement sessions in a journal or app. 2. Brain breaks action. Implement the 202020 rule.
Every 20 minutes, look at something 20ft away for 20 seconds. Frequency throughout the workday for seven days. Measurement. Use a timer or app to remind yourself.
3. Mindful hydration action. Consciously drink eight glasses of water throughout the day. Okay, this is my challenge too. The frequency daily for seven days. We can do this measurement. Use a water bottle with markings or a tracking app.
And I know one app that I used in the past. I could set a reminder like every hour to sip on some water. Okay?
4. Checklist Champion Action Create a detailed checklist for one of your most challenging work tasks. Frequency Once within the 7 days measurement, complete the task using the checklist and assess its effectiveness.
5. Nature Nurture Action Spend at least five minutes each day observing nature. For example looking out a window, a short walk in a park, etc. If you're like, oh my gosh, you know I'm snowed in and I can't much see outside, oh my gosh, I can't go for a short walk, hey, there are plenty of videos out there that simulate nature. Look at that. But remember, no excuse. Frequency daily for 7 days measurement journal about your nature observations or take photos. And a bonus mindful breathing incorporate 5 minutes of deep breathing exercises into your daily routine.
So by the end of the seven day challenge, you should be able to say, I will be able to 1 observe, that is notice patterns in my mental distractions 2 experience, increase focus, reduce anxiety and improved clarity and 3 achieve increased productivity and a greater sense of calm throughout my workday.
Now this fab assignment is designed to be specific, meaning clearly defined actions with measurable outcomes, actionable meaning easy to implement and integrate into your daily routine and bold pushing you to step outside your comfort zone and try new approaches.
Remember to track your progress and regularly review your journal entries and measurements. Adjust as needed, modify the actions based on your experiences and challenges and celebrate your successes. Acknowledge and reward your efforts along the way. All right, this was really a fun episode, so thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Sonja Empower Show. If you enjoy this episode, please like share and subscribe. For business empowerment resources, visit sonjasells.com and for additional resources on personal growth and inspiration, Visit chakeletdrapinspired.com until next time. Empower Disruptors own your fierceness.